昨晚看奧斯卡頒獎禮,最喜歡的一段是Lady Gaga反璞歸真,唱Julie Andrews在《仙樂飄飄處處聞》的主題曲串燒,完了,神采依舊的Julie Andrews優雅出場與她擁抱良久,台下不少明星見到Julie
今天報章卻以全版報導,最佳原創歌曲《馬丁路德金 - 夢想之路》的主題曲Glory的歌手Common上台發表感言時,勉勵香港爭取民主的市民。
有些引述切了他感言的半闕,變成 “…to the people in Hong Kong protesting for
democracy …”,好像專門講香港佔領運動爭普選,其實上文下理是,爭民權無分種族、性別、宗教等,Selma那道分隔黑人白人的橋,原本代表國族分割,如今是變革象徵,從芝加哥南面的孩子到法國為表達自由(抗議漫畫報社被血洗)而站出來的人民,以至香港為爭民主而抗爭的人,這道橋代表了希望。悲憫把人類融為一體,愛讓所有人昇華。
原文:First off, I’d like to thank God that lives in us
all. Recently, John and I got to go to Selma and perform “Glory” on the same
bridge that Dr. King and the people of the civil rights movement marched on 50
years ago. This bridge was once a landmark of a divided nation, but now is a
symbol for change. The spirit of this bridge transcends race, gender, religion,
sexual orientation, and social status. The spirit of this bridge connects the
kid from the South side of Chicago, dreaming of a better life to those in
France standing up for their freedom of expression to the people in Hong Kong
protesting for democracy. This bridge was built on hope. Welded with
compassion. And elevated by love for all human beings.