Your math is obviously incorrect and you are trying to mislead. Your "某一點" actually means "1 person going through that 某一點 at any time during the 7-1 march", which could never happen (, unless in a communism or 軍管country). You have no evidence on "20%中途離開", and for this year, I suspect that the number of people who "中途離開" is much much higher than your "20%".
Your logic is faulty, because you indulge on the number of people who came out for the 7-1 march, but fail to include people who want to come out to protest but couldn't or wouldn't. The "622 proVote" already tells you that the potential population of 7-1 march could be as high as 790 thousands.
A responsible government would listen to a single person's opinion. But our current government obviously don't want to listen to any opposing opinions.
9 則留言:
其實689是可以用任何理由檢控你的 , 用衛生條例檢控標語都有呀 , 那些間接維護689的人 , 就是同幾十萬上街的市民為敵啊
The bottom photo couldn't be this year's July-01, as the opposite lanes weren't opened.
今年故意刁難的情況特別嚴重 , 還檢控搞遊行的組織 , 應該是上頭的策略轉變了
If one looks closer to the banner on the ISUZU van, it said "07 08 普選".
The photo on this webpage is taken not very far away from Hysan Place this year :
More photos here:
遊行人數如果50萬/6小時, 那豈不是每分鐘1388人行過某一點? 如有20%中途離開, 那麼也有1110人, 有無這麼寛的路?
>> 那豈不是每分鐘1388人行過某一點?
Your math is obviously incorrect and you are trying to mislead. Your "某一點" actually means "1 person going through that 某一點 at any time during the 7-1 march", which could never happen (, unless in a communism or 軍管country). You have no evidence on "20%中途離開", and for this year, I suspect that the number of people who "中途離開" is much much higher than your "20%".
Your logic is faulty, because you indulge on the number of people who came out for the 7-1 march, but fail to include people who want to come out to protest but couldn't or wouldn't. The "622 proVote" already tells you that the potential population of 7-1 march could be as high as 790 thousands.
A responsible government would listen to a single person's opinion. But our current government obviously don't want to listen to any opposing opinions.