2012年4月19日 星期四

聽說專欄要停 (一)

I am a loyal reader of Ming Pao Daily since my childhood and now I'm
51. It's really sad to know you have decided to stop your column in Ming Pao Daily but I still/will always miss the column of大夫小記when you're writing with Dr. 王岐 and Dr. 區樂民 in alternate....Your articles accompanying me to grow up and get old.....

But I think it's also a good time for you to stop.  In recent years I find your articles go into the same direction  with your post and you are writing more like a politics critic but I find your writing on 'human beings' more interesting......

…You ask what next?  I think be a blogger is the right direction for you…..it will be more open and flexible for you to write whatever you want, but with more humanities, less politics, plz (sorry for that).

Looking forward for your Blog soon, though I agree with you to stop your column at Ming Pao, I never agree with you to stop writing.
Please go on to write for us.

Very truly yours,
