In New York, children's required blood tests routinely include ruling out lead poisoning. Without these tests, kids cannot attend public schools. What's the big deal of testing 啟晴's children when their health may be at stake?
驗血結果不會高. 美國有例 Residents with high lead levels in their tap water did not have elevated blood lead levels. DC DOH also tested a subset of people who live in homes with elevated lead in their tap water (those with lead over 300 ppb). Of the 201 residents from 98 homes with elevated lead (over 300 ppb) in their water, no children aged 6 months to 15 years had blood lead levels over 10 μg/dL. All the adults in these homes had blood lead levels under 25 μg/dL.
7 則留言:
如果血含鉛只是微量超標,只要在取樣方法 , 數據處理方面調整一下 , 便會有見得人的數字了 , 當然如果超標幾倍 , 就真係冇得救啦
找一大群天竺鼠, 將各種不同程度超標的含鉛物質混入其食水, 然後觀察天竺鼠血含鉛超標的情況, 就可以得出兩者之關係, 作為人體血含鉛超標的參考, 這樣就不需為啟晴的所有兒童驗血了.
In New York, children's required blood tests routinely include ruling out lead poisoning. Without these tests, kids cannot attend public schools. What's the big deal of testing 啟晴's children when their health may be at stake?
醫生高官 , 一句「一生拉勻計」, 飲鉛水其實唔會有事 , 被網民笑到面黃 , 醫界的高永文局長 , 一句「講完」, 衰左 , 當醫生升上管理層從政的時候 , 係咪應該先搵人訓練下 , 唔好咁「離地」。
有關水匠林德深指醫院工程或用疑含鉛物料, 病人廚房是否在醫院內?
驗血結果不會高. 美國有例
Residents with high lead levels in their tap water did not have elevated blood lead levels. DC DOH also tested a subset of people who live in homes with elevated lead in their tap water (those with lead over 300 ppb). Of the 201 residents from 98 homes with elevated lead (over 300 ppb) in their water, no children aged 6 months to 15 years had blood lead levels over 10 μg/dL. All the adults in these homes had blood lead levels under 25 μg/dL.