2013年9月26日 星期四


不要問我為什麼昨夜睡前無端想起讀幾首唐詩,總之是讀了,杜甫〈夢李白〉那幾首。更無端的是想起中英對讀,讓我在網上找到Witter Bynner1920年出版的英譯,真好。不是逐字逐句地精準,但讀來就見到杜甫本人的真感慨,如「孰云網恢恢」(Who says that the heavenly net never fails?) ,又如下面詩的最末兩句。


浮雲終日行, 遊子久不至;
三夜頻夢君, 情親見君意。
告歸常局促, 苦道來不易。
江湖多風波, 舟楫恐失墜。
出門搔白首, 若負平生志。
冠蓋滿京華, 斯人獨憔悴。
孰云網恢恢? 將老身反累!
千秋萬歲名, 寂寞身後事。


This cloud, that has drifted all day through the sky,
May, like a wanderer, never come back....
Three nights now I have dreamed of you --
As tender, intimate and real as though I were awake.
And then, abruptly rising to go,
You told me the perils of adventure
By river and lake-the storms, the wrecks,
The fears that are borne on a little boat;
And, here in my doorway, you rubbed your white head
As if there were something puzzling you.
...Our capital teems with officious people,
While you are alone and helpless and poor.
Who says that the heavenly net never fails?
It has brought you ill fortune, old as you are.
...A thousand years' fame, ten thousand years' fame-
What good, when you are dead and gone.


3 則留言:

AI 提到...

飲威士忌可唔可以用紅酒杯, 又或者威士忌杯飲唔飲得紅酒? 英文無韻律,無排比,無對偶,但係有驚麻。
英文韻律, 頂多係 The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain, 同韻母但係無平仄,無格就無破格,所以唔會有 君不見 黃河之水天上來。
Who says 要 that
heavenly net 要 the
咁就 rule out 咗 就算有十八重天,heavenly nets 依然 probably fail.
三夜頻夢君,Three nights now I have dreamed of you -- have dreamed -- past participle, 啱啱瞓醒? 三夜先發一次夢? seems not missing you much.

AI 提到...

嗱,如果英國人唔反對,話我 AI 糟蹋英文,破壞英國文化,我就譯下:
「孰云網恢恢」(Who say heavenly net never fail)
而夢李白之二 就係(時間關係,只譯四句):
Cloud drift all day, wanderer never stop....
Three nights I dream of you, intimate and real as though I were awake.
理由係 唔理一舊雲定係十舊雲,都係 drift all day, 無 singular or plural, 而 drift 梗係 through the sky,讀詩,要用小小想像力,唔該。
遊子久不至,係久而唔係不。呢乜 never come back啫,once in a blue moon would come, 而有 come 就有 go, 所以 wanderer never back 都唔啱。

AI 提到...

嗱,呢個 back 字,係英文最含混嘅字,最好唔用。遊子久不至,終於有日返家,如果佢唔再走,係咪 never go back? back 只係方向,無分 go 定 come, 相信查 Lain 文都係咁話 back 本義係背脊。go away, 睇到背脊, come here 睇唔到。同去復還一樣,一定要兩次先見到 back,否則就係 壯士一去兮不復還。
講到點題,wanderer 同醉酒佬 random walk 一樣,有無可能 never back 永遠向前?
所以我 AI 好學, 成日睇電影學英文, 最難明白就係 BACK OFF. 通常情節係戰場, 鎗來鎗往, 有人大叫 back off! back off, 我就諗係咪叫救命 搵人 backup? 又或者係 阿諾 史泰龍 面對面 聞到大家口氣咁 企响度, 又叫 back off, 我又諗 係咪講 F 粗口 乜 off?
終於有日明白 原來 back off 即係 go back and get off! 但係 go back 係咪一定 get 到 off, 要睇 back 由邊度計起, back to where? 即係以前有首歌 ...轉身退後。轉身走愈走愈遠, ok 丫; 退後, 愈退愈後, 又 ok 噃, 轉身之後又退後, 有無退到呢? 唔明。