英國的讀者介紹我看9月16日英國《觀察家》 (The Observer) 的專題文章。Lauren Nicklinson兩段文字,短的一篇是悼詞,長的一篇代爸爸講述爭取「協助自殺」(assisted suicide)的理據,很有力。我不贊成安樂死,但讀之亦會受感動。
Lauren是Tony Nicklinson的女兒。Tony
Nicklinson是誰?我在網誌談過他的個案 ( Locked-in:真正的倫理難題,8月23日) ,他因腦幹中風患上閉鎖症候群 (Locked-in syndrome),全身癱瘓多年,向法院申請安樂死,令全國關注。敗訴後不久在家中去世。
一份恆久的遺愛: Lauren給爸爸的悼詞
A lasting
legacy: Lauren's eulogy for her father
In the face of such undignified
suffering, Dad displayed unbelievable courage, strength, tenacity and good
Dad has inspired a nation, has
left behind a lasting legacy attached to the assisted suicide and voluntary
euthanasia debate, and started something incredibly important for British
society. In death, Dad does not need a voice to be heard; his legacy says it
But Dad has left behind a far
greater legacy, that of his friends and family and the happy memories that we
all have of him. He was a loving husband, a doting father and Mum, Beth and I
are privileged to be the three people that he loved most in the world. Dad will
never be forgotten, always missed and eternally loved.